The ITHERLAB outreach activities target the scientifically interested public, university students as well as young and advanced school children.
As products the Fellow plans to develop, amongst others, audio-visual material, newsletter article and public lectures.
The overall goal of the ITHERLAB outreach activities is getting the public interested in Geosciences (in general) and particularly in the thermal processes of the Earth crust.
Public appearance
- Fuchs, S. (2017) ‘Geothermie, Öl & Endlager‘-Prognosen: Wie heiß darf es denn werden, bitte? [Geothermal energy, hydrocarbons & nuclear waste repositories: How hot can it be?] Long Night of the Sciences 2017, 24.06.2017 [Link]
Print media
Newsletter article
- Fuchs, S. (2016) Gesteine bestimmen. [Determining rocks] column: Mein Projekt. [My project] Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung, 11.04.2016 [Download]
YouTube Channel: Thermal Geophysics
- Teaching announcement winter term 2017/18 | University of Potsdam | 06.10.2017 | Fundamentals of geothermics of the Earth's crust
- Teaching announcement winter term 2018/19 | University of Potsdam | 05.10.2018 | Fundamentals of geothermics of the Earth's crust [EN]
- GFZ Potsdam: Personalia | Three Marie Curie Individual Fellowships approved, 01.06.2016 [Link]
- European Commission CORDIS, Projects and Results Service: ITHERLAB, 15.03.2016 [Link]